
Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Walk In On

¿Y este phrasal? ¿Un phrasal verb con dos preposiciones? Sí. Muchos phrasal verbs tienen no una, sino dos preposiciones, para alegrarnos la vida. ¿Y qué significa? Si nos pidieran que describiéramos la tarjeta de arriba, podríamos decir que The child has walked in on Santa.

¿Les sirvió? Aquí van otros ejemplos:

1) Mother: What are we going to do about our son?
     Father: What about him?
     Mother: I just walked in on him while he was smoking in the garage!

2) She locked the bedroom door so that nobody would walk in on her while she was getting undressed.

3) A: Mary is getting a divorce.
     B: Really? What happened?
     A: She walked in on her husband... and his secretary.

Walk in on someone es, básicamente, entrar en una habitación (walk in) y ver lo que está haciendo alguien que no quería ser visto (on someone).

Have you ever walked in on "Santa"?

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